As you probably know, I am running a crowd funding campaign on indiegogo to produce at lower cost the wood and leather bed I designed for an English client (of course with his approval and encouragement!)

The prototype came out really nicely: the balance between the materials, sizes, colors is very stylish and above the expectations. I uploaded the photos into the crowdfunding page, but when I tried to change the status from “concept” to “prototype”, the system did not allow me to.
As a coincidence in that very timing, a friend contacted me with the greeting: “I have to pull your ears…!”
He told me he just found the campaign through the link on the bartok design blog.
●PROBLEM #1: Looking at the banner and title, his first impression was that the campaign was a charity! (to buy a daybed for Michael…)
After reading the description the scope and the story behind the naming becomes evident, but here comes another pulling of ears…
●PROBLEM #2: The branding as it is now is too personalized. The person buying it doesn`t want Michael`s bed: he/she wants it to be his/her daybed, not somebody else`s.
●PROBLEM #3: Additionally, being a daybed, it is too easy to associate it with the image of “your friend Michael” asking to stay over for a couple of days sleeping on the sofa (and eventually ending up staying for months eating popcorn and camping in your living room…!!)
These are the reasons behind my decision to re-launch the campaign, with the same product
but with a different branding.
While I still have to add some photos and description, the new campaign page is live!
Please take a look at the link below to see the video of the completed prototype.
Thanking you in advance for any advice you may have, please find here my Best regards!