
replacement of damaged tub

Hi — We’ve already bought a bucket and stool from you to go with a tub we had made here out of what the guy who made it called “American hinoki-type cedar” (it smells a little bit like hinoki — we lived in Japan for a few years so I remember what it smells like). I have a question: the tub went for a full year without water in it and the wood is now very cracked. Is it possible for cracked wood to close back up? If not, we will probably order a tub from you; they look beautiful. If we do, is it possible to put the hole for the drain in the center of the tub? That is where it was on the last one and where the drain is centered in the place for the tub in our bathroom. I guess even if we go with a standard S3 size, having the drain in the middle would still make it a custom tub?

Thank you for your interest in our japanese bahtubs!

About your existing tub, thank you for the pictures.
The wood of the tub is very dry. Also, because the wood is plank cut and not
quarter-sawn, the deformation is very severe…
On the other hand, if you re-hydrate, chances are it will be usable again.

1) Fill the gaps with clear silicon in such a way that the tub does not
leak anymore. Let dry for 1 day.

2) Fill the tub with water and let it full for 2 days.

3) empty the tub. Probably the wood will have expanded and the silicon
will have squeezed out from the cracks. Cut it flush with a cutter.

The tub should be OK and not be too bad aesthetically also.
If this does not work or does not satisfy you, we will be glad to assist
you for a new tub.

If you decide to replace it, of course we can match the center drain. Actually we can also match the tub sizes if necessary.
Basically all our tubs are made to order so there is no difference in price between standard sizes and custom sizes.
We have a standard size pricelist for pure reference.

say it with a cutting board

As simple as the title states, a japanese cutting board makes it for a perfect gift!

It is rare and an everyday use item at the same time.
Surprise your mom, partner, friend or client with a unique yet useful present!
Bartok cutting boards are available in 3 sizes, check our shop or scroll this page further below.
Hinoki wood cutting boards are wrapped in rice paper and can contain a personalized message as per your request.
For further information please contac tus by email:

reference from London

I really enjoyed our first bath last night and the smell of the wood…….is just heavenly. I think I even prefer the scent of the asnaro to that of the hinoki!
Thankyou so much for making this one so quickly and special thanks to your carpenters.
Feel free to use the photo if you wish (not my best angle ha ha)

the carp and the cutting board

There is a saying in japan:
“It is like the carp on the cutting board”
(koi ni manaita)
It is used to mean that somebody is at the mercy the another party.
It is not sure that the carp is going to become a sashimi or not…
Anyway there is nothing that the carp can do and only has to passively wait for its destiny…

Do you want to be like a carp on the cutting board?
If not, take action!

Do not let your poor knives dull their blades on a plastic cutting board.
Also, you do not want to give free reign to bacteria build up in a traditional end-grain wooden board…

So, set aside your passive attitude in the kitchen and purchase one of our hinoki wood cutting boards! They come in 3 sizes, all gentle on the knives and safe on the foods thanks to the power of hinoki germicidal qualities.

removal of resin

Dear Iacopo,
I have finally installed the hinoki tub in our house in Whistler, Canada. It looks really great. Before I start using it, I have a question about it. The wood surface of inside part of the tub produced a sticky sap. Is it normal and should I was them off before using it or leave the sap as part of the aromatherapy property of hinoki wood?
Sorry I never own one before so I am clueless.
Many thanks for your help,

Dear G
The bathroom looks great!
About the resin deposit: it is natural and of course it does not have any health implication.
You can remove it using a solvent as Acetone. You can purchase it at a paint shop or home center.
Be sure to keep the window open (as it is highly flammable), put some acetone on a cloth and wipe gently.
Please keep me updated on the result.
Best regards,

Happy new year to you!
Yes, the acetone worked well to remove the resin deposit.
Here are some other photos I took of the hinoki tub… feel free to use anyone.

a japanese speaking tub in London

The client who commissioned the tub has a japanese acquaintance, an architect based in Tokyo. This made the decision process even smoother as the architect could discuss directly about the required options and installation details.


The tub is a natural japanese Knotless Sawara “Oke” bathtub
L930mm x W630mm (ext. dim.)
It is equipped with a cover split in 2 halves, rubber plug, chain.
We also supplied a hinoki wood “Sunoko” floor grate panel 1050 x 700 xH55mm
and an asnaro wood stool (330x220x300H)



The world`s best cutting board

We mentioned in a previous entry that there are many types of cutting boards.
Discarding glass boards (which all the experts agree that will dull your knives in no time), we have to choose between wood and plastic types.
Each material has different features, strong points and weak points.
But which chopping board should we use?
Actually, the reason for the “dilemma” is not the variety of the offer but rather the fact that for the most important feature of a cutting board the western world experts do not have a clear winner.
Of course we are talking about HYGIENE and the fact that a cutting board may harbor dangerous patogens such as salmonella and E. coli. and contaminate our food just as we are preparing it?
Are the micro indents left by the knife a potential receptacle of bacteria?
Many studies have been done with controversial results.
It seems that wood cutting boards do not show signs of bacteria after 60 hours of use compared to plastic boards that if not washed become colonies of microorganisms.
The antagonists object that wood is porous and the bacteria may not be present on the surface just because they find a better environment deeper into the wood…
This debate is going on at least since Feb. 6, 1993, when “Science News” published an article on cutting boards. Their point was that the wooden boards could assure better hygiene but could not provide an objective proof.
Today the advocates of wood and plastic are still impugnating old studies and experts opinions.
We are glad we can now solve the dilemma.
Wood is safer than plastic, but not any wood.
Japanese have been used cutting boards made of hinoki wood for centuries and the reason is that the “hinokithyol” natural resin contained in the wood fibers have a high bactericidal property.
Hinoki is a coniferous soft wood, making it the best choice both for the sake of your knife`s blade and for your health as it would actually disinfect food as you are cutting it!
See this entry for a desctition of hinoki essential oil properties
If you are looking for the world`s best cutting board, here it is:


Plastic or wooden cutting board: how to choose.

he culinary and sanitary world seems to be split in a dilemma:
Is it better to use plastic cutting mats or wooden cutting boards?

    • The advantages and disadvantages of both are easy to outline:


  • cutting boards: a wooden chopping board is more stable and offers a good support for the blade
  • acryl cutting boards are similar to wood in weight with the extra advantage of being dish washer washable.
  • Light weight plastic boards are economic and can replaced frequently. They can be bent and used as a funnel. Some people find it convenient to overlap them on a traditional cutting board and differentiate them for cutting vegetables, meat etc.

The different qualities make it difficult to define for sure which type makes for the ideal cutting board.
Most of the cooking experts make an obvious recommendation: you should keep both types in the kitchen! Plastic cutting boards may be preferable when cutting meat or poultry. For cutting vegetables or bread, be sure to go for a wooden chopping board.
The experts have one more piece of advice that you should never forget: keep your cutting board clean to avoid food contamination and infections caused by bacteria such as salmonella.
Plastic boards are apparently easy to wash, but you should be aware that microorganism tend to remain in the tiny indents created by the knife and proliferate.
Wooden boards are porous but almost all laboratory test would show low bacteria content on the surface of a wooden cutting board. Is it just because the bacteria penetrate inside as opposed of staying on the surface?
It may be, not all wooden boards are the same. You can span from walnut, bamboo laminated boards, cherry or japanese hinoki. Of course the experts recommend the hinoki wood as its natural bactericidal property offers the best guarantee for the hygiene of your cutting board.
Hinoki products are used as a base for many disinfectants used in hospitals, especially for preventing nosocomial infections. As a matter of fact hinoki oil is one of the few treatments for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and other resilient patogens!
If you are looking for the world`s best wooden cutting board, find it in our shop (available in three sizes)

For more details and to order your wooden cutting board, check our shop page:

hinoki tub and lumber for switzerland

At first we were contacted by the architect but went on finalizing the details directly with the clients who are a splendid couple. Despite the time difference, we had several phone conversations as -like sushi- every information is even better when is consumed fresh.
All the important matters were communicated in English and the jokes in Italian which was very natural…
The project is new construction, a refined minimalist residence.
They were looking for hinoki lumber to build doors, cabinets, the stair and even the kitchen counter.

Added: here is the link to the photos of the bathroom (in construction) and of the completed project

Here are two pictures of the bold knotty hinoki ofuro.
– size: L1615mm x W800mm x H715mm (ext. dim.) 610mm (deep) –

We were quick in building the tub, but it took time to assort the lumber for the cabinetry and fixtures. Wide sections of hinoki are becoming rare and we wanted to assort a lot of top grade material, with stable knots and uniform quality.
Then, the wood needs to be kiln dried to fulfill the phytosanitary requirements of the swiss forestry department.
We asked the client to wait one extra month and they were very nice and understanding.

over 10m3 of knotty hinoki planks up to 70mm thick and

one cubic meter of knotless hinoki lumber in 3 meters length fit miraculously the container…!

We are looking forward to post here an update of the completed project!!

oval wooden bahtub for Holland

In the beginning of march we received a quotation request from an architect based in the Netherlands.
Their client was interested in a japanese bathtub and we provided some drawings and installation information. Few months passed and we started to think that they gave up on the ofuro project when the order confirmation arrived in november.

Here are some pictures of the tub and accessories:


The tub is made in Sawara wood AB grade (quarter sawn).
Option: stainless steel metal straps, ball-type drain plug
Dimensions are: L1300mm x W680mm x H700mm (ext. dim.) 590mm(deep)
The tub is equipped with a cover split in two halves. and an internal seat.

The picture taken without flash evokes a Akira Kurowasawa movie atmosphere…


And here is a picture of the interior. The client opted for a rubber-ball plug in place of the standard type.


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