
happy new year!

From the land of the rising sun, we could see the beginning of 2013 before most of the other countries. And, despite the uncertainty of this period, we had the clear impression that it will be a DELICIOUS new year!


We would like to participate our warmest wishes to all our japan loving friends all over the world!

barrel type ofuro for England

This tub was shipped to England, it is expected to arrive on december 24th.
I hope it will make a nice Christmas present!


Asnaro wood tub AB grade – barrel type
Dimensions are: L1200mm x W630mm
The tub is equipped with lid, spout and bathroom accessories


Custom shape spout:


Tub from the back side:


And here is the pristine interior of the tub. Of course there is no paint or coating. The shine is the product of the perfect work of the hand plane only!


happy-end in switzerland

About 3 years ago, we received an information request from a swiss gentleman.
He was designing his home and supplied us beautiful drawings and renderings of a japanese style bathroom.
Than, last year we received the request for a quotation of an alternative shape.
Finally, this summer we provided a quotation for this barrel type ofuro … and it was love at first sight! A kadomaru tub offers the original japanese bath experience with an excellent cost-performance balance.


Kadomaru type, sawara wood tub AB grade (knotless)

Dimensions are: L930mm x W630mm x H740 mm (ext. dim.) 640mm (deep)
The tub is equipped with cover in 2 halves
The tub is compact and light, so we could use a reinforced cardboard to package it to reduce the boxing cost and shipping weight.
I am sure the ofuro found a loving host family and that the story had a happy-end!

outlet tub for close friends (sold out!)

sorry, sold out!

This outlet tub is quite large and is suitable for a couple (or close friends…)

We could contain the cost by using B-grade hinoki. It has some small
knots and this allowed us to use the full planks width.
Anyway the material is Kiso Valley hinoki, quarter sawn and the tub has a beefy top frame
If you are looking for the best cost-performance, this is a chance you cannot miss!

Here are the details:
size: L1500mm x W800mm x H650mm (external
dimensions) 552mm(depth)
quality: kiso valley hinoki wood.

  1. ABB grade tub (masame cut) : 530,000. JPY
  2. Packaging: 1700x1000x850 plywood box: 45,000. JPY
  3. Pick up and delivery to Tokyo port or Narita air port: 10,000 JPY

For the payment, we accept Credit cards thru PAYPAL or contact us for wire transfer the information to our bank account in Japan.
Click here: (outlet120810.pdf) to download it in acrobat format.

bathtub in Carolina climate

we live in the states, in North Carolina, and we have weather similar to Japan, i.e. hot and humid in the summer, and cold and dry in winter. What effect does that have on the wood?

Well a climate similar to japan you will need to:
1) in summer: provide a good natural ventilation. Once you empty the tub, wipe it with a dry cloth and leave the windows open.
A wet climate may cause mold stains. On the other hand, this problem is minimized because we use a water repellent. See the documentation on our HP:

2) in winter: avoid using heating equipment in the bathroom when the tub is empty. Use the tub often (at least 2 times a week) and if you leave for an extended period, leave a bucket of water inside the tub and cover it to increase the air relative humidity. Keep an hygrometer near the tub and assure that humidity does not drop below 50%.
If the climate is too dry, there is the risk of the wood drying and eventually cracking.

eco-scrooge outlet tub(sold out!)

sorry, sold out!

Are you into energy saving, recycling, waste reduction?
Would you choose an organic vegetable soup over an overstuffed hamburger?
Do you enjoy a hike on the Rokies more than window shopping on 5th Avenue?

Than, this tub is for you!

The front planks have a nice gradation and are joined in such a way to enhance this quality, like a rainbow.
All the material is beautiful asnaro wood and comes from the same lot, which was partially used for another project. But how could we make it so cheap?
We could considerably reduce the cost by using some AB grade material.
Note from the pictures below that there are 2 flush knots in the top frame border we used.

Of course this does not affect the quality of the wood, actually the eco-scrooge who lives inside you will enjoy the skillful inlays as the mole on Marilyn`s beautiful cheek!

I cannot really explain in writing how silky is this tub`s inside. If you have a chance to visit Japan, consider dropping by at our warehouse in Yotsukaido (near Narita airport).
This tub is worth a trip!

Here are the details:
size: L1300mm x W800mm x H630mm (external
dimensions) 640mm(depth)
quality: asnaro wood.

1) AB grade tub (masame cut) : 390,000. JPY
2) Packaging: 1500x1000x830 plywood box: 39,000. JPY
3) Pick up and delivery to Tokyo port or Narita air port: 10,000 JPY

For the payment, we accept Credit cards thru PAYPAL or contact us for wire transfer information to our bank account in Japan.

Click here: (ofuro drawing) to download it in acrobat format.

Do it again Sam – ofuro in Toronto

This client, looking for a tub for his home renovation in Canada, found our “Stretch your legs” asnaro tub featured in our outlet corner. Well, the tub was already sold out but we offered to make a new one at the same price!


Asnaro wood tub AB grade (quarter sawn)
Dimensions are: L1350mm x W800mm x H635mm (ext. dim.) 550mm (deep)
The bottom of the tub is finished with a copper apron and the joints are realized with wooden dowels.


Accessories include a wooden bucket and 16m2 of wainscoting in hinoki knotless planks L2000mm x W105 x t12mm

cutting planks


A block of quarter-sawn lumber is split in planks for making a bathtub. The thichness is 45mm: once it is planed it will be 42mm finished.


hinoki ofuro in the fuji TV morning news

a beautiful japanese ofuro. Who`s taking a bath here?
and, what is the cameraman doing with my hinoki bathtubs … ?

Last week I was interviewed for fuji television, the media coverage of the “new wave of the japanese bathing culture” is rising … and there I am in the spotlight again 🙂 !



they filmed in high vision the grain of our beautiful kiso valley hinoki.
Ikeda san was not so happy about entereing in the ofuro together…
But the hinoki fragrance made him relax almost instantly



The VTR will be broadcasted on 4/25 in the morning news on Fuji television (national programming) and will also contain an interview with a client from L.A.
I will keep you posted!

Hinoki Ofuro for Upstate NY

It sounds like a sweet match: a cabin in the Adirondack mountains and a japanese
soaking tub…
According to the client, the bathroom will have a traditional Japanese washing station and the tub will be free standing with water able to spill over all 4 sides.
We first made a quotation for this project about 6 months before and were pleased to be contacted again, as the sitework is progressing and reaching its final stages..


Hinoki wood tub AB grade (quartersawn) / L shaped corners
Dimensions are: L1400mm x W750mm x H640mm (ext. dim.) 550mm (deep) .
The bottom of the tub is finished with natural oil and the joints are realized with wooden dowels.
Accessories include an internal removable seat and traditional wood cover.

The corner joint is made in such a way that the water cannot reach the head of the planks (cut perpendicular to the wood veins) which is more vulnerable to water.


And here is the detail of the cover planks.