information about our activities, community, new products, culture etc.


Replacement ofuro in USA

The owner of a lovely hinoki tub (not ours) in front of a window decided to replace it after 10 years. The bottom shows some signs of rot even if altogether the tub appears very well maintained.
Probably the drain did not have a proper gradient and apparently it is not draining completely.
Taking advantage of the renovation they will also probably create a tiled ledge on one side of the ofuro to make it easy to sit on the border before spinning the legs and enter inside. This way they will be able to use the tub safely even when they become elderly.
Because the tub is close to a window and may be seen from the outside, we applied the copper apron on both sides.
IMGP9447Click on (more…) here below to see the mesmerizing inside of the tub. Can you imagine the aroma?

Also, you will find the measurements/specs and a note about “flip top” drains. (more…)

Update about indiegogo campaign

The “hinoki aroma cards” campaign had a slow start but is picking up and I am now hoping we can reach the goal! See ->


We are 37% funded but have only one week left… Please spread the word!

Here below I am reporting a mail exchange I had with a fellow “japanese lover” who kindly replied to my newsletter. I think that many people feel uneasy about “crowdfunding” all together. I would like to hear everybody`s opinion about!


Hello Iacopo,
You are a very busy man….
I see your mails I see the info but I am not understanding what you are
You need venture capital for the new aroma cards from what I understand.
What market is there for the cards ?  Where I am based in *****, I do
not see one, Therefore I would like to know more.
Please give me a short 1 paragraph of what you envisage.
Thanks for response when you can.
Kind regards,


My answer:

Dear *****,

Thank you for your interest.
Crowdfunding is a new (not so new anymore…) system.
It is not only for raising capital. I am doing this project on indiegogo mainly for 4 reasons:

1) it helps me to promote the project (and my brand) thru social media and newsfeeds. Promoting a “product” may feel pushy but promoting a “project” is more interesting and creates involvement.

2) it helps me to study the market needs. By developing a product thru the advice and ideas of the end users, I end up with a more evolved and better targeted product.

3) if I get the campaign funded, the product itself will be more convincing as it could win the heart and obtain the commitment from many people.

4) ultimately, it helps me to broaden my avatar. I am devoted in helping the traditional crafts (not with donations, but with a new market for their skills)  + I believe our society needs a more human and sensorial culture.
My activity in the production of wooden bathtubs helps me progress in both missions. But japanese crafts is not only ofuro bathtubs and I am interested in exploring new markets.

I think there is a huge market for motivational message cards.

Additionally hinoki cards allow you to bring always the aroma with you!
Also they are more resistant and noble than paper.

This is my thought.
I would appreciate to hear your opinion!
All the Best//


How about your opinion? Please comment below!

$1 perks for the aroma cards campaign

How are you? Did you have a nice new year`s holiday?
I worked almost fully during the holiday period and it has been a busy “after the holidays” period as well.
Also for this reason, I neglected the aroma cards crowd-funding campaign which has had a slow start. Anyway, this is a project I strongly believe in and will do my best to get it funded in the 12 days I have left.
The aroma card is not just a great “amulet”, it is a vehicle, a trigger to spread to a wider audience the culture of a deeper and more “conscious” – 6 senses geared – lifestyle.

Please get involved in the campaign here:

hinoki veneer

On the product development side, I am experimenting some samples of different cuts of veneer (sliced, rotary cut) etc. and washi paper. I will try which ones absorb and retain the aroma oil better.
Also about this, please check the indiegogo page for more updates.

japanese boatbuilding!

(Photo courtesy of Simon Wearne)

Being an apostle of japanese ofuros and traditional woodworking technique enabled me to become acquainted with other fellow japan-lover “gaijins”. I correspond with Leonard Koren, Ricky Swaczy and Bruce Smith. I also have the honor of knowing the work of Douglas Brooks: a builder (or I should say “The builder”) of japanese boats.
The making of japanese bathtubs originates directly from boat building. The sawing technique, all the joinery and details (such as the use of copper plates or wood skin) are borrowed straight from the “funa-daiku” (boat carpenter) repertoire.
(Photo courtesy of Douglas Brooks)

Brooks resides mostly in USA but travels often to Japan. He is due to come on january 10th in Takamatsu to build a boat for Ritsurin Park. Then he is planning to build a boat for a museum in Gifu prefecture in may.
I hope I can catchup with him.

Meanwhile, if you are interested to have a specific information or have a project that may require a japanese traditional boat, please let me know.

Here below are some links to Douglas works, photos and book.

(Photo courtesy of Douglas Brooks)

happy new year! (a life of happiness)


This card consists almost entirely from material I received from a client I consider like a dear friend.

I especially like the phrase that life is precious and every moment should  be lived “consciously”. The more “deliberately” you experience and feel these moments the more fully (= happily) you will enjoy this year and the years to come!

I am dedicating you also two other yo-ji-juku-go idiomatic phrases that contain facets of the same concept:

★ sho-gyou-mu-jou: all things are in flux, nothing is permanent

★ mei-kyo-shi-sui: (be) serene as a polished mirror and still water

Of course you can find the two quotations in form of hinoki wood aroma cards.

Check the indiegogo campaign here:

Again, happy new year and may the 2017 bring you one step closer to the realization of your dreams!

iacopo torrini

other photos from Australia

Our client R. sent us more pictures of his superb house in Apollo Bay, Victoria.
Apparently it is available as a kind of Air B&B so if you are in the area you may want to experience the house with great open views and the japanese bathtub!

More pictures below

final version for the aroma cards!

With the help of many advice and insight I received thru friends and comments by mail and thru the google survey I think our aroma cards took the right shape!

This super-seeds the previous posts.

1) for this edition, I will focus on japanese idiomatic expression “yojijukugo”

2) 6 cards make one set (priced as 5 cards so one card is free. All old perks will be upgraded.)

3) 2 sets are available. It is also possible to have 6 cards with the same message. Let me know.

4) To avoid accidents the corners are rounded (5mm radius)

This is it for now! Please go to the indiegogo page to understand about the development of the idea and this campaign!

yojijukugo cards simulation!

Well, I think this does not need may explanations.
I tried to make a simulation with the yojijukugo idea and I love it!
Please let me know what you think.
I am now considering to prepare 3 sets of aroma cards with mixed messages.
Of course it is possible to get the 3 sets and assort the full collection.

I do not want to make more than 12 because of the costs of productions.
But please let me know if there are some you like or some you do not so I might replace them.

set 1 includes the cards ABCD
set 2 includes the cards EFGH
set 3 includes the cards IJKL

Please check
for more details!


additional yo-ji-juku-go

One more update about the aroma cards campaign on indiegogo
I received one more idea on how to use the aroma card + 5 additional very famous yo-ji-juku-go idiomatic phrases:

Here you are!
★Idea of usage: use your aroma card as a bookmark! it is longlasting, pleasant to touch and fragrant. Can you find a better reading companion?

★5 additional yojijukugo to choose from:

以心伝心(read: i-shin-den-shin)
translation: that thinks transmit heart
meaning: “Without any need for words”

一期一会 (read: ichi-go-ichi-e)
translation: one period one meeting
meaning: “once-in-a-lifetime opportunity”

海千山千 (read:umi-sen-yama-sen)
translation: sea 1000(years) mountain 1000(years)
meaning: “sly old dog of much worldly wisdom”

電光石火 (read: den-kō-sek-ka)
translation: electricity light stone fire
meaning: “as fast as lightning”

一日一歩 (read:ichi-nichi-ip-po)
translation: one day one step
meaning: “one step each day”

How about these ones?

I added them at the survey about the aroma cards campaign.


Please let me know your opinion. I only have 16 days left for the campaign!

video for “aroma cards” campaign

Here is an update about the indiegogo campaign.

First of all, with 5 days of delay after the beginning of the campaign I finally managed to put together the video!

During the interviews many people mentioned the yo-ji-juku-go (four character idionatic expressions).
I think this actually matches perfectly the concept of the product.
I was considering using some haiku poems (for the “extreme” japan-lovers) and some motivational quotes (for the more pragmatic ones) but the idea of using the yo-ji-juku-go puts the two concepts together!

Idiomatic expressions are like proverbs but have the peculiarity of consisting on 4 ideograms.
No verbs, no conjunctive particles or hiragana characters.

Just 4 concepts or qualities that also create a peculiar sound combination.

Some are more straight forward like:
(read: i-sseki-ni-cho)
translation: one stone two birds
meaning: “Killing two birds with one stone”

others definitely require an explanation like:
(read: on-ko-chi-shin)
translation: warm circumstance know new
meaning: “Learning from the past”

At first the meaning may not be immediate, but once you know the meaning, the idiomatic expressions have a particularly dense meaning and convey the concept powerfully, in full color.

Everybody has their own “favorite yo-ji-juku-go”, like a personal mantra or policy that you can say in your mind to receive that relaxing caress or courage boost you need in your everyday life.

There are many yo-ji-juku-go. I’ve found counts ranging from 5,000 to over 20,000. Wikipedia page about yu-ji-juku-go links to a database of 3,400 of them while Japanese students learn at school some 400-500 fundamental idiomatic expressions.

I will pick up some I like. Feel free to comment if you have more to share!

(read: ka-cyou-fu-getsu)
translation: flowers birds wind moon
meaning: “The beauties of nature”

(read: juu-nin-to-iro)
translation: 10 people 10 colors
meaning: “To each his own”

(read: sei-kou-u-doku)
translation: sunny cultivate rain read
meaning: “Living in quiet retirement dividing time between work and intellectual pursuits”

(read: rin-ki-ou-hen)
translation: extraordinary happening listen different
meaning: “Playing it by ear”

So, which is the one you like?

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