information about our activities, community, new products, culture etc.


video for “aroma cards” campaign

Here is an update about the indiegogo campaign.

First of all, with 5 days of delay after the beginning of the campaign I finally managed to put together the video!

During the interviews many people mentioned the yo-ji-juku-go (four character idionatic expressions).
I think this actually matches perfectly the concept of the product.
I was considering using some haiku poems (for the “extreme” japan-lovers) and some motivational quotes (for the more pragmatic ones) but the idea of using the yo-ji-juku-go puts the two concepts together!

Idiomatic expressions are like proverbs but have the peculiarity of consisting on 4 ideograms.
No verbs, no conjunctive particles or hiragana characters.

Just 4 concepts or qualities that also create a peculiar sound combination.

Some are more straight forward like:
(read: i-sseki-ni-cho)
translation: one stone two birds
meaning: “Killing two birds with one stone”

others definitely require an explanation like:
(read: on-ko-chi-shin)
translation: warm circumstance know new
meaning: “Learning from the past”

At first the meaning may not be immediate, but once you know the meaning, the idiomatic expressions have a particularly dense meaning and convey the concept powerfully, in full color.

Everybody has their own “favorite yo-ji-juku-go”, like a personal mantra or policy that you can say in your mind to receive that relaxing caress or courage boost you need in your everyday life.

There are many yo-ji-juku-go. I’ve found counts ranging from 5,000 to over 20,000. Wikipedia page about yu-ji-juku-go links to a database of 3,400 of them while Japanese students learn at school some 400-500 fundamental idiomatic expressions.

I will pick up some I like. Feel free to comment if you have more to share!

(read: ka-cyou-fu-getsu)
translation: flowers birds wind moon
meaning: “The beauties of nature”

(read: juu-nin-to-iro)
translation: 10 people 10 colors
meaning: “To each his own”

(read: sei-kou-u-doku)
translation: sunny cultivate rain read
meaning: “Living in quiet retirement dividing time between work and intellectual pursuits”

(read: rin-ki-ou-hen)
translation: extraordinary happening listen different
meaning: “Playing it by ear”

So, which is the one you like?

survey for new product: aroma cards


Please let me know your opinion about the product currently under development: the “hinoki aroma cards”.

I am interested in hearing which message would be meaningful for you.
If it is a great one, you will be able to choose it once the product is developed in february 2017!

Please particiapate to the survey below.
It is easy!

New packaging

We are receiving many orders of kadomaru tubs.
Maybe because of the following amazing salespoints?
1) it is reasonable,
2) compact and lightweight
3) it requires only 1 week from order to shipping
4) allows savings on packaging and transportation

I have to apologize as we are not managing to maintain the promise on 2 of the points above (but are working hard to re-establish the best conditions…!)
Here is the “new kadomaru” features:
1) reasonable: no change
2) compact and lightweight: no change
3) it requires only 1 week from order to shipping: sorry, we require 2-3 weeks but will try to contain the delay as much as possible.
4) allows savings on packaging and transportation: same price but better packaging!
(see also this article)
Remember also that you can order a kadomaru tub directly from the shop (note that there are 2 sizes: S and L).
Contact us by email or thru the contact form if you need any customization/options.

Transportation damage!

lower side
It finally happened.
After 14 years of paying the transportation insurance without need to use it we had our first accident.
Of course I am deeply sorry with the client but I confirm that we were able to replace the tub with a pristine one.

Actually we had in the past 2 damage reports about bathroom accessories arriving in smashed cardboard boxes (both in the USA with air mail…) but never experienced a damage to a tub.
Yes, with this first shipping damage experience which brings the accident rate to 1:240 which is about the 0.4%.

The client promptly reported the damage (it must be done within one week) and since it was a kadomaru type we could make a new one in a week time. The tub will be shipped as “replacement item – free of charge” so there are no taxes involved and if any customs inspection is required we will take care of the cost.

But this story has a silver lining, actually 2!

#1 Sturdier box
no doubt the box was mistreated. It was dropped probably more than once and was pierced by a steel pipe. Anyway we could learn the weak-points of the box and changed the packaging method. The new box is much sturdier and prevents the tub from moving inside.

#2 Same cost
The packaging we will be using from now on is actually more expensive. But actually we also find a new service from our forwarder which will enable us to lower the shipping cost. They will use flexibly DHL or UPS according to the space available and provide a better fare which compensates the additional cost of the reinforced box.
Therefore we will be able to offer a safer transportation for the same price!

Cardboard boxes are used only for Kadomaru tubs. All custom tubs are shipped in a plywood completely closed crate.




Everything you wanted to know about a japanese ofuro…

Please read the information here below before purchasing a japanese tub.
Also, we recommend to do a {search} within the FAQS for the keywords you are concerned about.

Do not forget to browse the “download area” in the “REFERENCE” section.
It is useful to check the “installation” section in the “DETAILS” menu.

Once you are ready to place your quotation request, go thru the “tub details” section for a thorough step-by step explanation.

You can do your final recap and fill the form in the “how to order” section.

Another sketch up model!


Yes, we did it again! (this time thanks to the generosity of a client)
Here is another ofuro you can use in sketch-up.

This solution consists of the tub buried behind a ledge, so you can see only the inside and the beefed up kamachi border.

The sketch up model is not so detailed so if you explode the parts or check it in the hidden areas inside the ditch you will probably not find what you are looking for: anyway it is great for a presentation or just to rotate it in perspective view and get a feeling of the space.

Go ahead and download the :
japanese ofuro build in with wide kamachi border

slanted ofuro 3D

Is the ofuro free standing?
Or is it built into a ledge?
Since it has a slanted edge, do you see it from outside?

We had problems explaining the image to the client so we resorted to sketchup and everything was easy!

It is drafted quite roughly, but if you want you can download the model below from the sketchup warehouse.
We also have another couple of models in the warehouse. Search with “bartok” as keyword, or download from this page:




ofuro for the elderly

Nowadays wooden bathtubs are popular in rehabilitation facilities and retirement homes for the elderly.
Wood is soft and warm and it is very appreciated especially by people with pain or physical limitations.
Here below are two examples. it is easy to mount railings or neck holder fixtures.
Also, it is common to install a movable partition inside to adjust the size. This way it can be used by multiple people as well as singularly.
The worry is that if the tub is too big, elderly people may slip inside the tub and drown.
For this reason it is recommended to use a size so that you can reach the back end of the tub with your feet.
This thinking is recommended in general while it is not really necessary for an adult/fit person.

flooring for Singapore house

We were contacted by an architect renovating his home in Singapore.
The client was keen on hinoki material but did not like the traditional “white-pink melange” look of japanese evergreens.
After considering several options, the client opted for a more expensive “all heartwood” material.
The sapwood is eliminated before sawing and milling the planks so the color is more uniform and the lumber itself is harder.
We milled a tongue and grove on the long sides but did not manufacture the end matching joint (the planks would have become about 4cm shorter and would not fit the module of the project)
Also, we were requested not to bevel the edges. Our grumpy carpenter was quite uneasy about this (eliminating the corners make the flooring look more regular and prevents indenting of the edges during installation)
But we agreed that everybody would manipulate and install the planks with the utmost care and were able to manufacture the custom “perfectly flat” product.
The specs/sizes of the flooring are:
material: hinoki (Yoshino-Nara pref.) all heartwood
size: 2000mm x 150mm x 15mm.

I am looking forward to seeing the completed room!

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