information about our activities, community, new products, culture etc.


tears of light in japan

Dear friends concerned about the 3/11 quake in japan, let me share with you a webpage.
It is called Northeastern Pacific Ocean Earthquake Reconstruction Project – Support page
But I especially like the section called Murmurs, messages, words. which is constantly updated on the top page.
It collects testimonies, messages of encouragements sent by tweeter or other instant messaging services. They are words of hope and heartwarming short poems, tiny but real gems in the mud of the tsunami.
here is the link:

Let me translate a few:

Yesterday my 2 year old son wend to the door and started to wear on his shoes. What are you doing? – I asked. I am going to arrest (capture) the earthquake – he answered.

When Chubu Electric Power stated they will transfer a part of the power to the troubled Kanto Electric, my grumpy father who usually keeps the TV, heater and lights of the ground floor on all the day, started without a word to unplug all utilities. I was a little touched seeing him do so.

Japan s great. Also the private sector officials, in trying to help everyone.
I heard that even the Yakuza is giving availability to several trucks to transport goods to the Tohoku region. Until recently I was not proud to be a japanese. But Japan is a great country. I’m honestly impressed. Fellow japanese, let`s do our best!

A child was lining in front of me in the convenience store. He was buying some candies but when he got closer to the register and saw the donation box, slipped his 500 yen inside and went back to the shelf to return the candies. The clerk said “thank you” and his voice was trembling

Working part-time as a waiter. The shop was almost full and when the earthquake happened, we had them evacuate for safety. I started to think “today we had many eat-and-flee customers” when one by one almost all clients come back to pay the bill. The few people who could not return, come back today purposely to set their bill. Japan is a great country!

People who lost everything not only need compassion. They need a reason to smile.
I will add some more later on.

hinoki tub in osaka

Here are some pictures of a tub installed in a private residence near Osaka.
It is actually a new building designed by Torrini.

110320y-sink.jpgHere is the powder room with tatami-like vynil tiles.

110320y-bath.jpgThe bathroom has no-slip warm-touch gres tiles produced by INAX.

110320y-shower.jpgThe ledge is in marble and the wall upper section is finished in hinoki wainscoting.

110320y-inside.jpgPerfect for contemplating the sea-view from the window!

sobbing and smiling over the earthquake

We continue to receive many kind emails of condolence, empathy, encouragement.
Thank you for this heartful thoughts, the japanese need it.

We appreciate your concerns, but do not worry too much, the japanese will stand again.
There is a beatiful and simple okinawan song composed over the second world war and the heavy toll of civil lives. The title is HANA (flower). As it is stated in the refrain:
nakinasai warainasai itsu no hi ka itsu no hi ka hana wo sakasou yo.
Come on, Cry! Come on Laugh! One day, one day, let`s make the flowers bloom.
-Listen here-

update about the Japan earthquake

Dear friends allover the world,

We appreciate all your kind mails and phone calls and feel sorry to make you worry.
Actually we are far from the areas of destruction and did not suffer any damage.
I am also astonished to look at the TV: they look like images from another country as there was no shake or tsunami in western japan.
Due to overloaded telephone lines I was able to contact our warehouse in Chiba only on sunday morning, 36 hours after the quake. The tremblor was strong but fortunately no damage to people and equipment.

Now the nuclear emergency is giving some serious concern.
I cannot be optimistic but there is no point in panicking and I am trying to collect unbiased data and act rationally. I am sharing some thoughts and founds on my facebook profile.

About the work, we are fully operational, all our material is safely stocked inside and we are at your disposal for any question. Actually, we try to keep busy to counteract the hypnotic effect of the round the clock TV news…!

Lastly, let me share with you the link to some donation sites.
These people lost family, property, work. At least let`s return them some hope.

hinoki tub installed in Seattle

We just received the beautiful pictures and kind comment of a client from the West Coast:

Happy New Year! I hope that all is going well for you in Japan.
Here are a few photos of our hinoki tub installed. It is a joy to use!!! Now you need to make a journey to this part of the world to see it in person!
Thank you so much to you, Wada-san, and anyone else who assisted in making or getting it ready to ship. It was a long journey to get it in place and I am very happy we did it.
All my best,

To hear that the client is satisfied and enjoying the tub is is for us the most important thing and is the source of more energy and enthusiasm in continuing our mission of introducing the art of japanese soaking baths Worldwide!


decorative and artistic kumiko shoji

Take a look at these works of art!
(click on each picture for an enlarged view.)
The “kumiko shoji” possess the geometric harmony of a moroccan lattice-work and the wit and non casual irregularities proper of the most refined japanese court culture.
Feel free to let us know your requirements (pattern, sizes) for your custom shoji!








shoji doors for spain!

shoji doors

We build and shipped some custom size shoji doors made in “sugi” pine wood. sizes are 1238mm x H 2200 for one door and 950mm x H 2200 for another opening. (normal shojis are in the range of 900mm for the width and 1800-2000mm for the height.)

We also provided overhead rail floor rails and jambs made in hinoki gluelam (it is safer than solid wood as it does not warp or bend)

We supplied the shoji paper and glue/spackle separately as paper is easily damaged by humidity during the ocean freight. Inside the container the temperature tends to be very high, and paper will stretch and wrinkle if it is already attached on the shoji frame.


virtual 3D showroom

We know that rather than the cold buttons of the mouse, you prefer the delicate touch of the cherry blossoms falling on your hair.
Anyway, if you are far from japan and missing its onsen, its cozy ryokan with mystical stone gardens shining with the moonlight, we hope you will enjoy this 3D walkthru simulation.
If you like it, write a comment!

You can actually walk inside this virtual japanese room (and take a relaxing bath in our ofuro, of course!)
1) You need to use Internet Explorer (sorry, does not work for other browsers)
2) Download the Power sketch viewer plugin from “Magic Hour Co.”. Click the Icon.
3) Access the 3D file. virtual-showroom3d.php


You can jump to the saved views with the buttons in the control bar or just press the mouse left button and slowly glide thru the garden…
(Yes, there is also a toilet behind the fusuma doors in case you cannot contain your surprise…)
I hope this can be a hint if you are considering a japanese atmosphere for your home extension.

Moving …

This is for all of you who visited our warehouse (and for all of you who plan to visit…)
On 6/28 we are moving! The new warehouse/showroom will be operational from 7/1.

We are relocating closer to Chiba, within the Tokyo Central lumberyard – Chiba lumber center.
The address is: Yoshioka 496 Yotsukaidō City, Chiba Pref.

The closest station is Yotsukaido Sta. (on the JR Sobu line for Chiba)
We are actually very close to Narita Airport, you are welcome to drop by on your way back!

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