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Hinoki ofuro debuts on AD100!

Our client and friend Lorenzo from LA completed his dream house, designed by Tadao Ando.
And the house was featured on AD 2025 special issue (world class 100 projects)
We supplied for this project the ofuro and accessories as well as the shoji, benches and some other furniture.
It is an amazing project and I think that pictures will be more eloquent than words!
That said, I welcome your comments or questions, I am sure that Lorenzo will like to virtually show you around…

after a 17-year wait… hinoki ofuro meets hinoki ceiling 💕💕

This nice couple based in the USA, purchased a K-grade hinoki ofuro from us in 2005.
Now, they decided to order wide hinoki planks – all heartwood to clad the ceiling and further upgrade their lovely bathroom.

The ofuro really looks brand new after 17 years, thanks for taking good care of it!
I hope the natural feel of the ceiling and added hinoki fregrance can bring you happiness for the next 16 years to come!

Message from the client:

Iacopo – your tub and wainscotting looks wonderful
I am sending you 10 pictures.
Please feel free to use whatever works best for you
All the best  M.

hinoki ofuro in the fuji TV morning news

a beautiful japanese ofuro. Who`s taking a bath here?
and, what is the cameraman doing with my hinoki bathtubs … ?

Last week I was interviewed for fuji television, the media coverage of the “new wave of the japanese bathing culture” is rising … and there I am in the spotlight again 🙂 !



they filmed in high vision the grain of our beautiful kiso valley hinoki.
Ikeda san was not so happy about entereing in the ofuro together…
But the hinoki fragrance made him relax almost instantly



The VTR will be broadcasted on 4/25 in the morning news on Fuji television (national programming) and will also contain an interview with a client from L.A.
I will keep you posted!

Hinoki Ofuro for Upstate NY

It sounds like a sweet match: a cabin in the Adirondack mountains and a japanese
soaking tub…
According to the client, the bathroom will have a traditional Japanese washing station and the tub will be free standing with water able to spill over all 4 sides.
We first made a quotation for this project about 6 months before and were pleased to be contacted again, as the sitework is progressing and reaching its final stages..


Hinoki wood tub AB grade (quartersawn) / L shaped corners
Dimensions are: L1400mm x W750mm x H640mm (ext. dim.) 550mm (deep) .
The bottom of the tub is finished with natural oil and the joints are realized with wooden dowels.
Accessories include an internal removable seat and traditional wood cover.

The corner joint is made in such a way that the water cannot reach the head of the planks (cut perpendicular to the wood veins) which is more vulnerable to water.


And here is the detail of the cover planks.


hinoki ofuro published in magazine

The house of a client in Switzerland will be published in an architectural magazine and – yes – the japanese hinoki bathtub also received a nice shot!

I am looking forward to browsing the actual magazine!


“optimized” hinoki outet ofuro (sold out)

* * * sorry, sold out * * *

This tub is made with fine grain rare hinoki wood.
We could assemble some smaller planks we had in stock thus optimizing the use of the material.
Here are the details:
SIZE: L1300mm x W750mm x H640mm (external
dimensions) 560mm(depth) knotless natural Hinoki bathtub.
1) AB grade tub (quarter sawn) : 525,000. JPY
2) Packaging: 1650x850x920 wood box: 36,000. JPY
3) Shipment: please let us know exact address for a quotation.
(both air freight and sea freight so you can compare)
(Use Paypal or contact us for wire transfer to our bank account in Japan.)
download the drawing in acrobat format: outlet091209.pdf
IMGP2541.jpgimmaculate interior side.

back side

Outlet ofuro in SG looking for loving owner

A client and friend in Singapore set up an apartment for guests and equipped it with a hinoki bath but since it is rarely used they are considering renting or selling the property.

As they already have an ofuro in their main house, this beauty will need to find another loving household.

Anybody interested? Of course, it is possible to ship, but a “new family” in Singapore would be the easiest and cheapest solution.

Specs are:

Japanese Hinoki wood AB grade bathtub (quartersawn)

L1300mm x W750mm x H650mm (ext. dimensions) 560mm(deep)

Price is 550,000 JPY (and you will have to do the moving)

Conditions are pristine, practically never used.

Get in touch with iacopo at for further info or to organize a viewing.

“TAKI” hinoki sink

Here below are the dimensions:
D 500mm (19 3/4″ ) x W 640mm (25 1/4″) x H 200mm (7 5/8″) – ext. dimensions
Japanese Hinoki wood AB grade sink (quartersawn)

price: 320,000. JPY (includes the drain fitting)
(packaging and shipping: non included)

please specify your address etc. so we can provide a quotation.
Of course, it would fit inside an ofuro so if you purchase together there would be no extra cost for packaging/shipping.

NOTE: we have currently 2 units in stock. 
If you are not in a hurry, we can also customize the size for you.

white, black, and hinoki magic in Singapore!

I obtained from the client permission to share here the project he did where he used our ofuro.
He has a unique design touch and you can see also from his other projects that his approach is of full respect for each different house’s individuality and he is enhancing the space with wit and refined taste.
We are now working on another project in Singapore!
I think he may be very busy but you can try to contact him to operate magic also for your real estate assets!

ofuro for Sunday evenings

Hi Iacopo,
I hope you’re well.
I’ve only just seen the ofuro-jiman contest email you sent earlier this week so I’m probably too late, but I thought I’d send you some photos of our ofuro anyway, in case you’d like to post them on Bartok’s instagram account?

As you may recall, we extended our house in London and created a new Japanese style wet room on the ground floor, complete with one of Bartok’s sawara ofuro and hinoki stool and bucket. I spend most Sunday evenings soaking in the wonderful ofuro! The view from the ofuro of a maple tree through the timber slatted screen helps me feel a little closer to Japan!
Best regards,

Photo credits: Agnese Sanvito @agnesesanvito

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