see you in Sydney on Nov. 18th !
As many important scenes of my life, all happened in the blink of an eye.
a friend asked me:
“Do you want to participate next week at the JAPAN EXPO” one-day event in the Sydney townhall?”
and my answer was:
Australia has always been at the top of my “want to visit countries” list: and what could be a better excuse than this?
The JAPAN EXPO was first held in 2021 and despite the longtail of Covid, it had 2,500 visitors in 2021 and 6,000 in 2022. They are expecting almost 10,000 visitors for the 2023 edition (scroll below to see the video)
I am looking forward to it and to meet all the Australian friends in Sydney!

Well, I will not be able to bring an ofuro with me … but will display the “Pocket onsen” and the “Shuhari belts“.

It is a great occasion to pick yours: also considering that each one has a unique design so you may want to check them out and see if you find your “love at first sight”.
I will be staying at a downtown hotel on 17th evening and 18th evening.
I will also have some free time during the 19th daytime.
Let me know if you have time for a cup of tea!
See you in Sydney !!!
Feel free to contact me for more information at japan <at>