Sometimes we deal with architect offices or construction companies, often we deal with end users.
Some clients are rationally minded business owners who have an organized mentality.
Some clients are carrying on their house remodeling and are very excited about the details.
Each tub has its own story which is what makes my work of “bridge between two cultures” so meaningful and rewarding.

This tub belongs to very enthusiastic client who knows what she wants and can communicate it very well.
Every email from the client it is like an energizing potion that leaves me fully recharged for the whole day…!
After about 3 weeks from the first email the tub is completed and ready to be shipped! It is a beautiful custom size kadomaru tub (see the details below)

Material is sawara cypress. The difference of color between the different planks is minimal, but because the wood fibers reflect the light with different angles when taking a photo the contrast appears increased.

Hot water will release a soothing aroma out of the straight grain of this sawara wood.
Here are the specs:
material: japanese Knotless Sawara cypress wood bathtub
shape: kadomaru with customs sizes
sizes: L1100mm x W630mm x 740mm (630mm deep)
details: stainless steel wire bands. Iron brand at front top-right
I just sent the photos to the client who immediately replied:
“Please send as soon as you can!”
I am sure the ofuro is going to be pampered in his new home in Australia!