More than being just a tub these project was about building prefinished asnaro parts for a masterly conceived bathroom in wood and marble. Everything was designed with care for the detail while aiming at the balance of the composition.
When good design and quality craft meet, something wonderful sees the light.
There is a bench with marble base and a asnaro wood grate for the seat.
Then there is a step in asnaro to integrate in front of the alcove containing the tub.
Two doors close the tub alcove and as they open insidewards, you will be surrounded by wood while you enjoy the soak…

The tub is a roomy L2082mm x W1041mm x H965mm with two inner seats.(see photo below!). It is built to integrate in a niche and to create a ledge flush with the two asnaro doors. We evaluated different options, finally decided to build the tub and the ledge in one piece. In this way it is solid and there is no worry about assembly on site. Dimensions were checked accurately; then should an adjustment should be necessary, it is easy to shorten the ledge on the back or the side. If you can use a circular saw, you can do it.

Here it is! the mellow, peaceful, relaxing, feeling of being inside an asnaro tub… I wish we could start filling it up with hot water!