also on instagram at @bartokdesign !!


japanese lumber for a beautiful home

Some of the material used for the doors and furniture of this house is japanese hinoki.
The house is really stunning beautiful, poetic and minimalist.
Enjoy the photos!






reference from switzerland

Dear Iacopo
The bathtub is very beautiful (wonderful craftsmanship!) and we enjoyed a fantastic first bath yesterday evening.
The feedback from the carpenter: very nice selection of planks!
All the best from Japanese heaven
Foto 1-suisse.jpeg

tub installed in France

Our home work is progressing well now and the bathroom was delivered last week – The tub is now installed and we enjoyed the first bath lest week – It i great indeed !
B. from France
P1060607.JPG (more…)

reference from London

I really enjoyed our first bath last night and the smell of the wood…….is just heavenly. I think I even prefer the scent of the asnaro to that of the hinoki!
Thankyou so much for making this one so quickly and special thanks to your carpenters.
Feel free to use the photo if you wish (not my best angle ha ha)

removal of resin

Dear Iacopo,
I have finally installed the hinoki tub in our house in Whistler, Canada. It looks really great. Before I start using it, I have a question about it. The wood surface of inside part of the tub produced a sticky sap. Is it normal and should I was them off before using it or leave the sap as part of the aromatherapy property of hinoki wood?
Sorry I never own one before so I am clueless.
Many thanks for your help,

Dear G
The bathroom looks great!
About the resin deposit: it is natural and of course it does not have any health implication.
You can remove it using a solvent as Acetone. You can purchase it at a paint shop or home center.
Be sure to keep the window open (as it is highly flammable), put some acetone on a cloth and wipe gently.
Please keep me updated on the result.
Best regards,

Happy new year to you!
Yes, the acetone worked well to remove the resin deposit.
Here are some other photos I took of the hinoki tub… feel free to use anyone.

Ofuro in mosaic clad bathroom

Our wonderful bath has arrived in perfect condition and it looks amazing.
Thank you so much for all your hard work.
A. from Australia

Reference from France

Good Morning Iacopo
The tub has arrived at our home last Friday. We have unpacked it just to see and smell it…and repacked it because our bathroom will be available only in a couple of months !
The tub is beautiful – we are very happy to have it …it will be hard to wait before we can use it !
Thanks again for everything
Best regards
G & B

Reference from Simi Valley

Hello Iacopo and everyone at Bartok Design!
I wanted to tell you that we are enjoying our beautiful bath accessories (stool, bucket, and ladle). The aroma of the wood is incredible and brings back fond memories of Japan. I cannot fully explain how happy we are, the craftsmanship is wonderful.
I also want to thank you for all the help with the shipping issues that we experienced. Transporting goods across the world is not always an easy thing and sometimes the carriers are very rough. Even though you packaged everything very well, they still managed to crush the container. However, when I reported this to you, I was immediately informed that you were shipping out replacements. There was no hassle or question, just your team taking every step necessary to ensure my satisfaction. I only wish that I get such incredible customer service here in California.
We will be remodeling our bathroom soon and I look forward to purchasing the ofuro and related items from you. You have more than earned the business through impeccable service and stellar quality. I am very excited for that day to come soon!
All our best from Simi Valley, California,

Testimonial from Switzerland-3

(Following the request for installed tubs pictures for a TV program. Tub shipped may/2008)
Nice to hear from you ! And congratulation on this nice opportunity for you to show your product!
We have been indeed enjoying hot baths… actually nearly everyday in Winter!!!
Attached is a picture of our daughter and her friends… It was during her last birthday (pyjama) party. Not quite a standard use of the Bathtub… but they had a lot of fun taking their bath together!
/from Switzerland
ofuro party

Testimonial from miss O.

(Following the request for installed tubs pictures for a TV program. Tub shipped oct/2010)
Dear Iacopo Torrini,
I am still very happy with the tub! I use it every week and
especially in wintertime like now it serves us very good. All pleasure 😉
miss O. from S.
wooden ofuro

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