countdown to Komika summit 2022!
UPDATE: the data connection is very bad 💦
I am not sure I will be able to do the live streaming…
Please check the facebook page for the last minute updates:
in the morning from 8:00 to 9:00 JST I will try to make a guided tour of some old japanese houses in the area.

As anticipated last month, our participation at the Kominka Summit is confirmed!
And even more amazingly: here is a list of the other companies that will exhibit at the Minka mall !!
Toda Komuten |
Midori Farm |
Somakosha |
Writer’s Booth Azby Brown & Alex Kerr |
Kohachi Beerworks (Nobu & Jul) |
Bartok design co. |
山の家具工房 (local traditional wood furniture) |
Sasayuri-Ann |
Sustainable Daisen (Giant Salamander NPO) |
Heart Country Stove |
Daimon Brewery |
Permaculture Center Kamimomi |
Somokusha (Japanese Natural Herbal Tea) |
Hideshina |
Hanase-Hirogawa Booth |
Shimamura Yoshi Shoten |
Iju House Project |
Kyoto Prefectural Agricultural Council |
Hanase Recycle Shop (Ohki-san) |
Association of Traditional Reconstruction Professionals |
A・UN Ambience Lamps |
The Kominka Collective |
The Kominka Japan Association’s U.S. Office |
Kominka Forum |
Japan Minka Revival Association |
ARK Animal Refuge Kansai |
Miyama Thatched Roof Co., Ltd |
Suikoushya International Craft School in Kyoto |
Nantan City Regional Promotion |
Alex Kerr Antiques |
Miyama Wood Engineer |
But Kominka Summit 2022 is not only the Minka mall exhibition.
If the management approves, I will try to sneak into the seminar room and bring you to your homes the wisdom of our top-batters:
Keynote speaker for the event is author and lifelong minka and inaka advocate Alex Kerr, whose 300-year-old minka in the Iya Valley, Chiiori, is one of the best-known in all of Japan.
Other speakers include Azby Brown, acclaimed author of seminal books including The Genius of Japanese Carpentry and Lessons in Living Green from Traditional Japan; traditional plasterer Kyle Holzhueter (the first westerner to pass the level one Japanese National Plastering Exam); traditional architects Jonathan Stollenmeyer and partner Kohei Yamamoto (1st class licensed architect and carpenter); organic farmer and educator Chuck Keyser; and Jaya Thursfield, whose YouTube channel (under the name “Tokyo Llama”) documents his traditional home’s renovation and has more than 15 million views.
(If I cannot sneak in, I will try to interview them after the events)
I am planning to stay connected with zoom and facebook-live during the event and provide a virtual tour to all of you who cannot participate in person.
Topic: kominka summit 2022 through iacopo`s eyes
Time: Apr 22, 2022 03:00 PM Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 819 3878 4994 Passcode: 777
Last but definitely not least, a big thank you to Stuart Galbraith IV who gave the breath of life to the Summit \(^o^)/
I am looking forward to it!
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