Wabi sabi – outlet tub – SOLD OUT

(sorry, sold out…)

In traditional Japanese aesthetics, wabi-sabi is a world view centered on the acceptance of transience and imperfection. The aesthetic is sometimes described as one of appreciating beauty that is “imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete” in nature (from Wikipedia)

This ofuro has been infused with love by our carpenter. But even the best can make a mistake sometimes (if you want to call it a mistake).

It happened to this beautiful ofuro.
…What do you mean? …Where is the mistake?
Actually, I am sure that nobody would be able to spot it even examining it from close by.
But, there is a small mistake in the sizes. The backrest is slanted but is also slightly tilted as there is a 15mm difference on the bottom comparing the front and the back.
Of course, we guarantee that this irregularity does not affect in any way the structural stability or water tightness. Also aesthetically it is difficult to spot, as the top rim joint is symmetrical. See the drawing extract below.

But this cloud definitely has a silver lining: If you choose this wabi-sabi outlet tub, you will also receive a special BONUS!
★ BONUS: order this outlet tub and receive as a present a Japanese bathroom accessories set C! (you can choose any stool you want, traditional, traditional large or minimalist) https://bartokdesign.com/product/set-c-1-ladle-whandle-1-large-bucket-1-stool


L1220mm x W710mm x H710mm (external dimensions)
620mm(depth) knottless natural Asnaro wood bathtub with a slanted back.

1) Ab grade tub (knotless)  : 490,000. JPY
2) Packaging: 142x91x91cm plywood box: 38,000. JPY
3) transportation: to be quoted (please let us know your exact address: we 
will provide a quotation before you purchase the tub)  

Do not hesitate to contact me by email for any questions/problems at japan@bartokdesign.com ☆彡