We are deepening our relation and collaboration with the kimono designer Yoshio Jogan.
Jogan sensei is based in Kyoto and went through the long and steep path of mastering traditional kimono patterns since his youth.
But he believes that Art must always be in movement and the worship of a mummified tradition is not going to keep the Art alive.

Jogan sensei is a master in bridging the subtle traditional knowhow of kimono patterning into interior design, contemporary products and computer art. We will talk more about Jogan sensei in the next few weeks, but here I would like to anticipate a news that is also going to impact our Wakayama pre-war mansion re-branding project.

Jogan sensei owns some 2000 Kimonos from the end of Taisho-beginning of Showa period. We are talking about the mythical years between 1920 and 1940, where Japanese influenced Art Nouveau and Art Deco were trending.

The 2000 Kimonos are works of art entirely hand dyed, hand painted and hand embroidered and most are probably worth more than 200,000 USD each. These kimonos were also used in the 2005 Hollywood movie “Memoirs of a Geisha” .
Did you see it? Do you remember the beautiful kimonos?
If not it is a good timing to pull out the DVD again and have a closer look!

Meanwhile, we will keep you updated on our projects with Jogan sensei and are looking forward to hearing your comments, questions and Memoirs!
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