Komika summit 2022!
It seems too good to be true !!
But apparently, it is true !!!
We have been invited to participate at the ”Minka Summit 2022” (22-24 April 2022) in Hanase (Kyoto)
There will be some 50 exhibition booths related to traditional crafts, restoration of folk houses etc.
Bartok design will have a small exhibition booth featuring at least one ofuro and our best smiles!
Experts in Japanese culture such as Alex Kerr and many other amazing keynote speakers will also be at the event.
It is really a dream come true. Absolutely awestriking!!
Check the homepage, SNS pages for more info: https://kominkajapan.org/
Tickets can be purchased here: https://peatix.com/event/3149245

I am planning to stay connected with zoom or facebook-live during the event and provide a virtual tour to all of you who cannot participate in person.
Come back to this page for updates \(^o^)/
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