happy endings and happy beginnings
How are you? I hope you are taking some time to relax from this stressful year enjoying some quality time … in your japanese ofuro ?!
2020 was full of disappointing experiences for most of us.
On the other hand, I think we should see also the positive side: thanks to the Covid experience the IT literacy increased tenfold and streamlined a lot of practices by cutting on bureaucracy and inefficient habits.
Less action but on the other hand, more thinking which is always a good thing to do.
And by forcing us to think out of the box we had the chance to reconsider our priorities and create a new lifestyle tailored to what we really want to do.
On the other hand … enough is enough!
I do not know about you, but I am looking forward to 2021 to release all the stress and just run full speed, in a boundary less prairie, free, thoughtless for a change, towards the horizon!
Of course I am also planning to catch up with all the people I could not see this year or just met on zoom.
Talking about Zoom…
If you have time, let`s exchange New Year greetings today (starting from 12/31 @ 22:00 JST)
Topic: happy new year party @ ponte – kitano
Time: Dec 31, 2020 22:00 PM JST
Meeting ID: 848 7345 5319
Passcode: 007

Do you like the top photo in this email? The one with the tools and the molds?
I have bad and good news.
Bad news first: One of our veteran craftsmen: Arai-san will retire this year and close his atelier.
He is strong and healthy but as he turned 85, he is feeling the responsibility of guaranteeing his best performance to the clients, hence this decision.
We will still offer kadomaru tubs but both the price and the lead time will increase.
Please check on the homepage`s kadomaru page for updated information.
Here below is a photo of him in his atelier. He would like to extend his thanks and his regards to all the Japanese lovers who purchased kadomaru tubs!
We are sad not to be able to work together anymore but we respect his samurai spirit and his decision.
In a symbology very timely at this time of the year, we must become able to enjoy also beautiful endings … not just beautiful beginnings!

Jump over the moooooooon
I said the bad news. And as promised, here is the good news:
We are starting a new year!
A white page full of expectations, of energy, of dreams and, yes, some craziness…\(^o^)/
Let me dedicate a video postcard I made mainly for my Japanese acquaintances and for the clients of my architecture practice.
The text is in Japanese, but probably you will recognize the music!
We are entering the year of the cow and if cows can jump over the moon, I am sure if we want we can at least reach Jupiter and play with the rings✨
2021 is the year of the Tokyo Olympics (hopefully) and all the other events that were put in the freezer are coming back with even more energy and renewed passion!
All the new ideas nurtured in 2020 will spring out this year in a surge of productivity healthier and more ecologically conscious than ever.
A year with new challenges is waiting for us: what could we wish more?
I am looking forward to working together also in 2021!
Of course if there is anything I can do for you – and is in my possibilities…(;゚Д゚) – do not hesitate to let me know!
Happy new year!

text link: https://youtu.be/dhDxGzhUrVQ
By the way, I have been producing funny video-cards for 4 years now.
Here are the back-numbers for your reference.
Which one do you like better? I will keep in mind your advice for the 2022 design!
2020 video card -> https://youtu.be/cA8R5SbXx40
2019 video card -> https://youtu.be/OYGPGt_yaRM
2018 video card -> https://youtu.be/UD9q8Rn5LxA
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