This is an update about the tea-house relocation project.
The land will be sold at the end of january and the new owner is planning to demolish the building and garden.
COST: from 4 to 6 million yen (36,000 USD ~ 50,000 USD)
Of course the more detailed is the demolition (to reuse also roof riles, flooring planks, ceiling framing etc.) the higher the demolition cost. Anyway this will result in a more original building and enable savings in the construction phase.
The demolition will take about 4 weeks and I am planning to obtain the approval from the new owner by convincing him he will save the money and time for the demolition anyway.
The company doing the demolition is also available to go abroad to coordinate the construction! I think that there are 3 options:
1) bring all the craftsmen from japan
2) provide one experienced carpenter to instruct/supervise and use local workers.
3) a mix of the two options above.
COST: from 20 to 25 million yen (170,000 USD ~ 210,000 USD)
In both cases, I would travel together with the contractor principal about once a month (five times) to coordinate the work.
COST: about 2 million yen (17,000 USD) + airplane tickets
Please contact me by email at if interested.
TOTAL COST: about 35 million yen (300,000 USD) + reinbursable expenses