the present exchange rate between yen and dollar/euro favors people purchasing japanese goods

hinoki wood japanese bathtub > blog > the cheap yen may bring an ofuro to your home...

14.11.11 * the cheap yen may bring an ofuro to your home...

The autumn brought a weak yen both against the dollar and the euro.
This means it is a good timing to purchase japanese goods, especially when they are priced in yen.
This post is not to push the back of our readers and convince them to buy an ofuro.
In particular now, it is a very busy period and we have a 45-60 days lead time for the production.

The reason for this post is that I know that japanese hinoki tubs are expensive, and remain a dream for many. Well, this may be an opportunity to bring home a japanese product with 15% discount compared to 2 months ago: so if you are considering buying and ofuro, I friendly recommend you to do it now.


I am not a financial analyst, but considering that countries like China and Russia are dumping federal bonds, and the saudis do not seem so clung to the petrodollar anymore, I feel that the strength of the dollar may be a flash in the pan...

I welcome all your questions and comments.

All the Best//

iacopo torrini

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